How to Choose an Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner

When it comes to installing an air conditioning system, energy efficiency should be a top priority. To ensure you get the most out of your system, look for ENERGY STAR certification. This certification guarantees that your air conditioning unit has at least a 14.5 SEER rating, gas ovens have an AFUE of at least 90%, and oil furnaces have at least 85%. By choosing an ENERGY STAR certified system, you can save up to 20% on your energy bills.

The efficiency of a room air conditioner is measured by the Energy Efficiency Index (EER). This index is the ratio between cooling capacity (in British thermal units (Btu) per hour) and input power (in watts). The higher the EER rating, the more efficient the air conditioner will be. When shopping for a new room air conditioner, make sure to look for the ENERGY STAR label.

If your residence already has forced-air heating and ducts, centralized or packaged air conditioning will be the most efficient and cost-effective option. However, if you don't have ducts installed, central air conditioning may not be a viable option. In this case, you may want to consider a ductless minisplit system like Friedrich's Floating Air Premier series. These systems have high SEER ratings and are relatively easy to install.

Solar air conditioning systems are also available and are partially or fully powered by solar energy. Window air conditioners or room air conditioners use the CEER (combined energy efficiency ratio), which usually ranges from 8 to 15. This ratio is designed to be more energy efficient thanks to its better thermal conductivity, lower toxicity, and lower global warming potential. The cooling capacity required for a room air conditioner depends on the size of the room being cooled; room air conditioners generally have cooling capacities ranging from 5,500 Btu per hour to 14,000 Btu per hour. When shopping for an air conditioner, compare the annual cost of similar models to get an idea of how much you'll be spending on energy costs.

If you have any questions about an energy-efficient air conditioner or if you need help installing or repairing a cooling system in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning in St. Louis. They can help you find the best air conditioner for your home and provide maintenance tips to extend the life of your unit. The most recent air conditioning systems use A2L refrigerants which are more efficient and environmentally friendly than other refrigerants.

Friedrich's PVH12K3FB air conditioner from the Freshaire series is one example of this type of system. It has Inverter 11.5 EER technology with heat pump, 20 amps, 230 volts. Remember that the efficient operation of any air conditioning system depends on the house being properly insulated and sealed. To get the most out of your system, make sure your home is properly insulated and sealed before installation.

With these tips in mind, you can keep your home cool while saving money on energy costs.

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